
Some art

What did the grappler do with Allie? Zoom-zoom-zoom-zoom....


  1. Beautiful Picture :D

    I got some concept ideas for enemies if you want to hear them.
    They can be fairly brutal but I think thats what the fans want xD

  2. >I got some concept ideas for enemies if you want to hear them.
    Yeah, sure! Feel free to tell.

  3. Looks great. I like how her top got torn. :)

    Anyway, got past the latest level. It's pretty long. The hardest part is the first rat, and its variable sprinting. Three times you have to get past that thing, and it mostly comes down to luck.

    I liked the evil vine animation, where we get to see what's going on inside. I was hoping that the egg laying trap would be similar, in that it'd show us the eggs being pushed into her womb like hentai games sometimes have.

    Maybe you could think about more internal/x-ray shots of her humiliations for future?

  4. >more internal/x-ray shots
    I'm remaking Grappler death animation now. I made it longer and a bit more dramatic already. I'll try to add x-ray frame to it. But I don't promise. It's pretty hard to make elastic womb animation.
    Still thinking about fuckmachine trap. Maybe amputate Allie's limbs, and then put her to fuckmachine capsule? But this is too cruel, isn't it?

  5. Id say it its a bit much of going that far, least for what most people who are eyeing the next added trap to be. The machine could be something that moves around in a set pattern (example, like Super Mario World and the Saws) that grab her and basically from there.

    Not saying its a bad idea for an amputation but, well least me I wouldnt expect that from a fuck-machine lol.

  6. is it possible to introduce a wriggling factor? to break free of monsters.

  7. >is it possible to introduce a wriggling factor? to break free of monsters.
    No, breaking free is so boring. I can't even imagine how the weak pathetic girl would break free from HUGE NASTY EVIL ANGRY AROUSED MONSTER.

  8. love the picture. cant wait for the longer more animated version. as for the fuck machine. i like my girls to not be in pieces lol.

  9. I actually love the idea of amputating Allie's limbs off and making her just a fuck toy. If you did go through with that idea, and her three holes were put to use, that might be very sexy. Poor Allie...

  10. A good thing for the fuck machine would be anal sex or even double penetration or pure sodomy (Oral + anal) so basically she gets no pleasure.
    I'd love to see her panties get torn off too :D

    Heres my ideas for monsters. :D

    Spike trap:
    This isnt the giant spike idea but it could be in the same area.
    These are smaller spikes that rise up and fall out of holes in the floor.
    Death Scene: If you fail to cross them safely, Allie gets her feet impaled, she falls over in blood and pain, as she cries and cringes in pain on the ground, the spikes rise again through her entire body, impaling her completely and killing her.

    Giant Spike: A large steel/rusty old looking spike that you need to jump over.
    These can have 2 different death scenes.

    Ground: If Allie fails to jump over it, It impales her through her lower body (Buttocks/Vagina) She screams as blood leaves her body..she wallows in misery as she slowly slides down the spike and dies.
    Ceiling: Impales through her skull..nuff said.
    Penis Version: She lands on it, it enters her vagina or anus and she screams as it moves up and down inside her until she dies from starvation.

    Fan Trap: Spinning blades that you need to pass through, They start and stop randomly.
    Death: Allie gets her body sliced in half, Bleeds to death.

    RoboGuard: A large robot that patrols randomly, If it sees you, it chases you. *Basically a upgraded humilator)
    Death Scene: It grabs Allie, Ripping off her clothes and presents a drill for a penis, it fucks her in a hole and blood rushes out, Allie screams and eventually dies of Trauma.

    Tentacles: Green lashing tentacles..nuff said
    Death Scene: They rip Allies clothes off and rape her in all holes, they eventually tear her apart..amputating all her limbs.

    Ghost Pawn: A cloud of mist that flies about at ground level.
    Death Scene: It causes Allie to Suffocate, she collapses and gasps for air and begs for mercy.
    She eventually dies.

    Magma Trap: Similar to the acid trap
    Death Scene: Burns Allie until shes a skeleton and then to ash.

    Wall Hook: A hook jutting out from the wall, A environmental trap.
    Death Scene: If Allie touches it while falling, it impales her and she bleeds to death.

  11. One I missed:

    Milker: Upgraded version of the Sucker.
    Death Scene: It pierces Allie's breasts, sucking out any and all of the milk she has to offer...but keeps going as she will now serve as food for all the creatures of the nightmare.

  12. Thanks, RyaKun!

    >Spike trap
    Damn, that's awesome! I'll definitely do this.

    >Giant Spike, Fan Trap
    Really, I think that's too easy deaths. Maybe I'll do something like this, but as additional traps, later.

    We already have one penetrating robot.

    Tentacles! Agree, definitely to add.

    >Ghost Pawn
    Yes, I plan to do ghosts, like Blue Blob from demos 0.1 and 0.2. But I prefer digestion to suffocating.

    >Magma Trap
    Yeah, in 4th chapter. There will be a lot of fire.

    >Wall Hook
    Hm... Maybe.

    I like that. Maybe I'll do that.
