
Behemoth! First way to die: CRUSH

Hello everyone!
Please, be patient. Behemoth is so amazing I can't stand. I decided to make three death animations with it. The first one is already complete. It's crush death.
Next one is vore, and the last one is rape&burst.
I'm not sure how to select which way to die to use when Allie touches Behemoth. Just random or maybe it'll be some other way.


  1. ouch...it's allie's been stumped by a dinosaur..poor allie RIP...I rather have her get laid rather than be stumped..

  2. First bloody death scene :) Love it!

  3. Well could always do it as factors. Say when hes running she will be eaten, should he get horny (i.e have his cock sticking out) it will rape and if it jumps, crush....just an idea.

    Just would be a matter of setting the intervals I suppose?

  4. He looks like a shark :D i like it. I just want to suggest something. (My first suggestion was the galley option) and now i have another one. Sorry if it was suggested earlier. So my idea is of a monster or device that dose not kill Allie. Instead it takes control of her body and leads her to the nearest creature, which will kill her. Sort of like mind control or something :)

  5. Monster idea: razorpedes

    Millipedes with razors for legs. Death by amputation followed by rape: a razorpede (or several) wraps around Allie's limbs and twists/cuts/rips them off. In the rape, the razorpede (or several) go into her, possibly all the way in (making her a host) or all the way through (groin to mouth or vice versa).

    Monster mechanic can be them crawling along walls (in the background), or only a particular kind of wall, or alternatively, digging through the ceiling or floor.

  6. Do it like this, if you want.

    Someone mentioned cock sticking out. it made me think of an idea where if the longer the Behemoth sees you the bigger the cock gets. When the cock "maxes out in size" it triggers the rape+burst event. It won't trigger the rape+burst scene if the boner on the Behemoth is anywhere less than max size.

    I'm not familiar with how you implement stuff with this game though, so what i suggested might not even work out.

  7. But damn...

    you know how big of a dick that behemoth will have?

    Allie is gonna have it rough.

    1. Which is just the way we like it. ;)

  8. rape&burst yeah!!!!! you are the best!!!! if I love this game before now knowing this... I want to see it..... well that have to be hard to do.... so I have to wait, no problem with that, but please some cock bulge.... thats have to be a nice touch before the burst anyways as anonymous say, the behemot dick have to be very big....
    (sorry for my english I'm still learning)


  9. I forget to mention... I suggerence maybe is behemot walk some distance (short distance) and then he jump thats maybe can be at random or in an order, if behemot touch allie walkin he eat her, if he touch her with the head or the front of his body when he is jumping than he crush her and if he touch allie with his back legs or the back part of his body he rape&burst her...... well its a suggerence
    (again, sorry for my english and this game is the best)

