
Demo 0.11

Hello everyone! Here is hot new demo 0.11!

What's there:
  • New monster: Milker
  • Level 3-2

Maybe there are only 2 points, but this points are pretty large. Long level with true puzzle (not math) and one of my favourite monsters: Milker.


I'll put files to depositfiles.com from now on. I don't think Megaupload will return to us. If somebody have problems with DF, just tell me where to upload.

I added Donate button to my blog, because I really need money. (Who not?) I don't think there will be big money, but even a little help will be good.

Thank you all for your comments and monster ideas! Next monster will be Piercer - huge mutant who will rape Allie to death.


  1. nice on the milker...can you do another position for it? like instead of all fours on the ground, make the milker suck from above?

    nice update btw..the switch puzzle is nice..

  2. Hey

    Sorry I havent been commenting for a long time, I've been alittle sick and busy with work.
    Its great to see that you're back and still working on this project! Really proud of you! Your work ethic is something to admire. (Especially to someone like me in my condition)

    Chapter 3 is almost halfway completed, Time flies :D

    Keep up the awesome work!

    Only other request I can make is to have a monster do something with her panties before she loses them. Maybe like pull her off the ground by them or something (Like a wedgie...panties pulled up her ass)
    Doesnt need to happen. Just a idea to tickle my fancy xD

    Keep up the great work, I'll keep watching and reporting any bugs I find :)

  3. Found a small bug. When in the elevator and you try jumping, it moves the layer up a notch. (Door, switch) and causes it to stop early. Not a big deal obviously but just letting you know.

  4. deposit files for me is not working it keeps resetting the counter saying that ive already downloaded :/

    (mediafire is a good upload service)

  5. I can't download from DF.

    it tells me that

    "Access denied"
    Download this file from depositfiles.com

    is there any solution?

  6. I uploaded the demo to the mediafire.
    >Found a small bug.
    Thanks! I'll fix it.
    >have a monster do something with her panties before she loses them.
    Interesting idea, thanks! I think, the Piercer will do something.
    >nice on the milker...can you do another position for it
    I have idea of making more death animations for all monsters. But if I decide to do this, I'll do it after the story will be completed.

  7. Can you add a menu that allows you to select her outfit prior to playing the game? Add different types of clothing, hair, and especially shoes? It would be nice if you could dress her up like a Catholic school girl or a hooker, and anything in between. I like her outfit now, but adding in different length of skirts, adding in different tops, hair styles, heels, stripper shoes, lingerie, etc, will really help liven up the game.

  8. The first thing I would add is the ability to pick her heels... go from her current short sandals with a small heel to something like 10" heels with a 5" platform. Maybe even weave it into the game as little items she can find along the way and put on to give her different abilities? So if she finds a pair of 10" stripper heels in the game she can jump higher... Or if she finds a tiny little micro skirt that looks like a belt and does not cover anything up allows her to run faster... what do you think?

  9. @AD Dev
    nice! just saw the behemoth and...hmmm goodluck to allie I guess..hehe

  10. >Can you add a menu that allows you to select her outfit
    No. It's nearly impossible in this game. Maybe next game I'll do custom clothes option.

  11. Would it be possible to, at some point, include a 'bonus' stage that is a monster menagerie? Possibly making it so it only unlocks after a player has finished the game.

  12. I can't download from depositfiles. Mediafire works for me, but if that doesn't work for you then I'll understand. Love the game though and would be sorry to miss out on future versions. Keep up the good work!

  13. >Would it be possible to, at some point, include a 'bonus' stage that is a monster menagerie? Possibly making it so it only unlocks after a player has finished the game.
    Yes, I'll do this later. Maybe after all levels.

    >Mediafire works for me, but if that doesn't work for you then I'll understand.
    It's no problem for me to upload my game anywhere. So, I'll upload the game to DF and MF from now on.
