
Demo 0.4

What's new:
  • New monster: Evil Vine
  • Started Chapter 2 
  • New level (2-1)
  • Chapters are selectable from the Main Menu (just go to New, then select) 

Also, I added the poll and the todo list to the blog. Please vote. I want to make list of monsters and traps, and then implement them one by one
The next monster is spider. It will wrap Allie, then lay eggs in her, then she'll give birth to the horde of small spiders, then the Spider will suck her dry. I'll draw this for long, so the Demo 0.5 will be not soon.


  1. The game is getting better and better. I have one question could we see Allie fully nude like reward or an Easter egg in the game that she loses her clothes? (Similar to the first demos were winning the puzzle made her nude.)

  2. Help. The game freezes, every time i try to play the second chapter. Is that a bug or what happens there?

  3. Thank you all! Allie will act nude in 4th and 5th chapters. And maybe in the last levels of chapter 3.
    The 4th chapter will be about Hall of the Damned, so it will be full of nude girls.
    The game freezes for awhile because of loading huge animation of the vore death. I'll add loading screen later.

  4. This is definitely shaping up to be one of the better games. Keep up the good work! :D
